Don't Deplete Your Savings to Post Bail

Ask about our surety bail bond options in Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek, CA and surrounding areas

Certain crimes have certain stipulations regarding bail. You may not always be able to afford the bail amount that the magistrate sets, but that doesn't mean you or your loved one has to stay behind bars. Turn to Ability Bail Bonds for affordable and reliable bail bond services in Martinez, Walnut Creek or Concord, CA. We can post surety bail on your behalf under the agreement that you will appear in court and fulfill any court-ordered obligations.


See if you're eligible for a surety bail bond by calling 1-888-816-1245. We are available 24/7 and accept collect phone calls.

We'll back you up

If your set bail amount is too high for you to post on your own, Ability Bail Bonds can help. Based on your set bail amount, arrest record and level of flight risk, we’ll determine if you're eligible for a surety bail bond. After your initial fee is paid, we'll post the money on behalf of the accused and send a representative to get them out of jail.


Contact us today to learn more about our surety bail bond services in Martinez, Walnut Creek, Concord, CA and surrounding areas.

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